Adding a honey super

June 12, 2004

The girls looked like they had made good headway in filling up the two brood chambers, so it was time to put the first honey super. I went in pretty early in the day, around 10:30 a.m., when the mass of them would be out in the field scouting out nectar and pollen. I usually don’t use smoke, because it sets them back a bit (they gorge on honey in anticipation of a potential emergency move). Instead, I prefer sugar water in a spray bottle, but for some reason decided to go with smoke this time. It was kind of a pain to keep it lit, though, so I ended up switching back to the water.

I checked the brood in the lower chambers and it was solid, so I was on my way. One of my queen excluders had to be jerry-rigged a bit on the sides with duct tape, the other was more normal. I just laid it right on top of the upper box, plopped the 3/4 Western on top of that, added a feeding chamber as icing on the cake, and topped it off with the lid. Nuthin’ to it.

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