Sell Me Your Multifamily Property

May 23, 2007

Do you have a roughly 6,000+ sqft large house, multiplex or apartment building in Seattle you would consider selling?

Sorry for the brief foray away from beekeeping, but I thought I’d use this blog as a way to get out the word: I’m looking for a property. A big property.

Seven friends and I are looking to buy a large, multifamily property and establish a cohousing community. I can see it in my mind’s eye: it’s a big old home with a big yard. Each of the families has a private space to call their own with its own bedroom, bathroom, kitchenette, and maybe work / art space. At the heart of the house is the common space: a big open floor plan kitchen and living room where we can relax, talk, read, write and play. There’s a vegetable garden (and a couple hives of bees, natch) and dirt for kids to dig up worms in and a tree to build a treehouse in.

Read all about what we’re looking for and e-mail me at if you’ve got any leads. 

Thanks, now back to our regularly scheduled program.


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